Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday down time

Yeah, I'm in Atlanta, land of good BBQ, reasonable climates and unreasonable politics. I've been here almost a week and weather permitting, I'll be back in a couple of days. I'll upload some more stuff soon after that. I got a request for William Martyr 17, so that will likely top the list.

In the meantime, I came across this article that ties in with my earlier near-rant about analog. I'm not a total analog loyalist. Do I prefer it? Yes, but crappy analog and great digital recordings exist. This article was interesting in that it more or less reinforces all the things that Steve Albini used to rail about what with digital's main pitfall being that it is is so fragile. The earliest digital recording have begun degrading, but unlike analog tapes (that can be "baked") when 1's tun to 0's... well, the music is unrecoverable. I touched on some of digital's shortfalls in an earlier post.

The article is here: File Not Found

The irony of posting it on an MP3 blog isn't lost on me. Seeing as these MP3s are of crappy quality, the only way to truly keep the music safe and have it for yourself is to take the files and cut your own vinyl records from them. Despite the $14k price tag, you can't afford not to.

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